I will lie and say, "it's not on my mind."
I don't know what it is, specifically. There are always options. Always things that drag me down. Always things we say to placate others, so they don't see the truth.
Yes, we're fine.
Christmas was great.
Life is good.
In many cases, for me anyways, there's nothing that can be identified as wrong, but nothing feels right either. When I don't have things to do our don't stay busy, depression settles in. I can feel it happening. Am I alone in this? I don't know if this is something that happens to other people. It's the holidays and we're supposed to be happy. So, what if I'm not? Just pretend? Don't cry in front of people? Ugh!
I sound like a huge whiner and don't mean to be. The reality of life is that people aren't always happy or joyful or even thankful when we're supposed to be. Sometimes we just exist. Sometimes we just make it through.