I love when my wild thing stirs in his sleep and stretches. His little toes spread out on the ends of his chubby feet.
I love when I've gone somewhere and he sees me come through the door or walking across the room. He gasps, smiles, and says, "Mama." My cowboy did that every time I got him from daycare.
I love when he says a new word or fits in a puzzle piece and yells, "Did it!" He's so proud of his accomplishments and wants us to be too.
I love when my wild thing lays down at night and, sometimes, I get 3 hours of freedom before he needs me.
I love that he wakes up and asks for me (even when I'm in the middle of something and I want hubs to handle it). It makes me smile.
It's the little things, in this time of exploration, volatile emotions, self-assertion, and expanding vocabulary. If there wasn't joy in small moments or accomplishments, these days would be overwhelming indeed.
To toddlerhood. You're bittersweet.