By the time my cowboy was this old, he had a great belly laugh. He would really get going, especially with my dad. He would blow raspberries on my cowboy's belly. He loved it. I wish I had that laugh recorded.
My wild thing, on the other hand, does not have a belly laugh, or even a fully developed duodenum. He is super happy and laughs. He's just not good at it yet.
The other night we were playing with a napkin. (Paper = <3) I was waving it in the air and saying, "Wheeeee." He was having a great time and started laughing at me. Next thing we know he's throwing up, avocado running down his chin, while laughing. We kept dabbing and it kept running out of his laughing mouth. Less than 10 seconds later he got the hiccups. Since he was tiny, the hiccups have been his nemesis and laughter brings them on something fierce. Laugh. Hiccup. Drool. Repeat. Good times.
Side Note: The best part was when my hubs tried to do the same thing with the napkin. My wild thing just stared at him like he was crazy. No laugh. No hiccups. Nothing. Then he turned to me to keep playing. Kids, I tell you. No rhyme or reason why it's funny for mommy and not daddy.
Happy times with my boys are a beautiful part of life.