Friday, July 12, 2013

DIY Leg Warmers and A Little Love

Yesterday I was at my friend’s house hanging with the wild thing and doing crafty stuff. We ate, watched Brave, and made baby leg warmers from women’s and little boy’s socks. We found a very helpful tutorial on Little Pink Monster. It’s an old tutorial, but it beats spending $12 plus shipping on Babylegs leg warmers. I found some super cute socks at H&M.
I spent about $20 on socks and got 11 pairs of leg warmers. The hardest part was sewing the pieces together. While the mustaches were really cute, the amount of threads inside the sock made them less than ideal. I have never sewn fabric with stretch before and it was a little challenging. Keep in mind that I am NOT a skilled seamstress! You may be more skilled.

Natasha from Little Pink Monster recommends using a zigzag stitch, but when I did this you could see the stitching when my wild thing wore them. It was like it didn't hold the pieces together tightly. A straight stitch seemed to work better for me.

The other problem I had was that they two pieces we were sewing together were a little bit different in size. This meant we had to stretch the sock a little bit to keep the fabric from bunching. And were only mildly successful.

They look so cute on my wild thing’s chubby little legs. (Side Note: I love my Petunia Cake bag! I found it on sale at a little boutique. Love a good deal!)

The best part of the day, though, was hearing my cowboy’s voice. My friend found an old voicemail from my cowboy and I. She played it for me and hearing his little voice was the best feeling. It made me think of the baby lisp that he used to have. He said, “Hi…It’s me, cowboy…Talk to you later.” Oh, how I wish that were true.


  1. oh my goodness those are really cute! I miss H&M by the way and can't wait for them to start their online shopping. I love seeing kids in leg warmers. I have yet to get my munchkin a pair but I saw a few on Amazon that were quite reasonable and can't wait to put them on her in the fall. I suck at anything needlework so I wouldn't even try this. :)

    1. We used a sewing machine. Since I'm not skilled there a few pairs that need to to be fixed. Fortunately, the kiddos don't know if the stitching is off tomorrow Haha!

  2. Love this blog!!!! We have to do more crafts!! This time I'll help too! Well if Mason isn't so hungry!! ;D I'm so glad I found that voicemail if you two. I will cherish it forever. Love you. <3

    1. Thanks Amy! Sheesh...I can't believe you didn't do anything to help. I meant to add that too. ;)
