Monday, September 9, 2013

Formula-fed Doctor??

I just read this article about a doctor-to-be who was formula-fed. Say it isn't so! We all know that the research tells us breast is best. Who does this guy think he is? I know I don't want a dumber doctor. It's like that saying, "A doctor with C grades is still a doctor."

Ok, I'm totally kidding. My cowboy was formula-fed and a little smarty pants. There are people who act this way. While there are many things we shouldn't do as parents, so much is up for interpretation.

Home or hospital birth? Breast or bottle? Formula or breastmilk? Pacifier or thumb? Crib or co-sleeping? [Side note: Someone recently said that co-sleeping is a "fancy" word for sleeping together. It's not fancy. That's what co means. Lol.] Work or stay-at-home?

These nuances of parenting make little differences in babies. It's really about what works best for each baby.

Your baby won't be irreparably damaged if they are in the NICU getting formula and never nurse. (On my soapbox, I will say they will be better off if they can get any breast milk.)

Your baby won't be made fun of for having the paci that soothes them, if you don't let them take it to high school.

Your baby probably won't be co-sleeping by the time they want to have a slumber party. They will branch out when they are ready.

Here's a few examples of things that I will judge you for. (READ: Things you shouldn't do as a parent!)

DON'T let your toddler stand on a lawn chair above a flaming bbq...alone...holding a spatula. (Yes, this really happened.)

DON'T hit your child while yelling at them, "We don't hit." (Mixed messages people. AND it doesn't teach them anything.)

DON'T leave your infant/toddler at home to fend for themself while you hit the night club. (Duh!)

Oh, the article that I read that started this whole awesome can find it here. This is funny stuff.

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